Sheep Education Catalog Available on Let's Grow Site

Sheep Education Catalog Available on Let’s Grow Site

(May 1, 2012) As part of the American Sheep Industry Association’s (ASI) Let’s Grow initiative, a Sheep Education Catalog has been developed and is now available. This catalog is a compilation of industry resources, both national and international, in which to gain information about sheep production, health issues, lamb and wool management, targeted grazing and more topics in way of online learning, university courses, workshops and webinars.

As this information is dynamic, updates to the catalog will be made regularly. Readers are encouraged to contact the author at  with course title, sponsor and website or descriptive information for new course listings and course updates for the next edition.

“We have a large amount of educational options available for new sheep producers and producers looking to ehance management strategies,” stated Clint Krebs, chair of the ASI initiative. “Online courses and webinars, as well as resource books that you don’t have to leave the farm or ranch to participate in, plus on-ground schools and workshops are available coast to coast.”

The catalog is available to download at . This work was made possible through a National Sheep Industry Improvement Center grant and ASI.

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