For Additional Information, contact:
Judy Malone, 303-771-3500, ext. 35,
Amy Trinidad, 303-771-3500, ext. 55 or
DENVER, Colo. – Gary Visintainer of Craig, Colo., was elected to represent Region VI on the American Sheep Industry Association’s (ASI) Executive Board at the 2013 ASI/National Lamb Feeders Association Convention in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 24-26. The states comprising Region VI include Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah.
Visintainer is a third-generation rancher from western Colorado, who was born and raised in the sheep business. His grandfather emigrated from Austria in the early 1900s, building and developing the ranch throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Visintainer has been a partner in the operation since the 1970s.
According to Visintainer, his philosophy toward serving on the executive board is perhaps best summarized by a quote from the comedian George Burns, “Good, better, best, never let it rest, get your good better, and your better best.”
The Visintainers run a range operation where their white-faced Columbia type ewes are on the move throughout the year. In the winter, the sheep graze in the desert on Bureau of Land Management allotments while the rest of the year is spent in the mountains on private land or state-land leases. The operation has run ewe numbers ranging from less than 1,000 to as many as 6,000 depending on economic and wildlife conditions. He is an advocate of the Let’s Grow campaign and is in the process of increasing his flock numbers.
Along with the sheep, the ranch grows alfalfa hay, wheat and runs a few cattle.
Visintainer has worked his way through the officer ranks with the Colorado Wool Growers Association and is currently serving as president. He is a long-time member of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Habitat Partnership Program working to develop partnerships with landowners to reduce wildlife conflict by finding local solutions to local problems.
Visintainer holds a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science from Colorado State University. He practices medicine in a large-animal clinic in Craig, Colo., when time permits.
ASI is a national trade organization supported by 46 state sheep associations, benefiting the interests of more than 81,000 sheep producers.
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