USDA Preparing Support for Producers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a webinar on Thursday on its Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Support to Farmers and Ranchers. While a final rule on the program is still being developed, USDA relayed that it will begin taking applications soon and provided information necessary to help farmers and ranchers prepare for the application process.
Once the application period opens, producers should contact their local Farm Service Agency office and setup an appointment. FSA offices are currently open only for phone appointments, but staff in the office can assist producers via phone, email, fax, mail or online tools to receive your application. Producers should be prepared to provide: contact information; personal information, including a tax identification number; farming operating structure; adjusted gross income; and direct deposit information to enable payment processing. Existing FSA customers will already have much of this information on file with their local office.
“While the application process has not started, you can start gathering/understanding your farm’s recent sales and inventory. Once signup begins and USDA begins accepting applications, more program information and forms will be available at”
Click Here to view an archived version of the Thursday webinar.
Let’s Grow Plans Lamb Market Webinar
The Let’s Grow-sponsored webinar series returns on June 16 at 8 p.m. eastern time with a session entitled, Lamb Markets and Managing in These Uncertain Times.
Presenters for the webinar will include James Robb and Katelyn McCullock of the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Jay Parsons from the University of Nebraska will serve as host.
This webinar will provide an overview of the current American lamb market situation, including the drivers of turbulence so far this year. A brief lamb price outlook discussion will follow to provide a look at future expectations. Key factors to monitor will be highlighted along with some management considerations. To wrap-up, there will be a live, moderated question-and-answer session with the presenters.
The webinar is made possible with funding support from the Let’s Grow Committee of the American Sheep Industry Association.
Click Here to register for the webinar.
Apply Now for the Sheep Heritage Foundation Scholarship
The Sheep Heritage Foundation Memorial Scholarship – offered through the American Sheep Industry Association – in the amount of $3,000 is being made available for sheep-related graduate studies.
May 31 is the deadline to apply, and a final selection is expected to be made in June or July.
The scholarship is for the advancement of the sheep industry – lamb and wool – through financial support of a graduate-level (MS or Ph.D.) student who is attending a school in the United States.
Applicant requirements:
- Be a graduate student involved in sheep and/or wool research in such areas as animal science, agriculture economics or veterinary medicine with proof of graduate school acceptance;
- Complete an application;
- Present two letters of reference.
The application form can be downloaded from the ASI website or obtained by writing to the American Sheep Industry Association, Attn: Memorial Scholarship, 9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360, Englewood, CO 80112-2692, calling 303-771-3500 ext. 107 or emailing
Click Here for the application.
Australian Wool Market Tracks Upward
After four weeks of successive losses, the Australian wool market settled this week with most Merino types recording increases. The national offering reduced to 23,371 bales – a reduction of 1,967 bales when compared to the previous week. When compared year-on-year, the national offering has fallen by 165,300 bales – a fall of 10.9 percent.
Sales opened on Tuesday with Melbourne and Sydney in operation. From the opening lot, it was apparent that buyer sentiment had improved. This resulted in price increases across all Merino fleece types. The individual Micron Price Guides rose by 14 to 47 cents. These rises pushed the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator up by 11 cents. The rise in the EMI would have been higher if not for negative movements in the crossbred MPGs.
On Wednesday, Melbourne and Fremantle were in operation. The Melbourne market failed to continue its upward path and the individual MPGs generally fell by 2 to 24 cents. Only the 18.0 and 18.5 micron MPGs recorded further increases.
The Fremantle region – which did not enjoy the gains of the previous day – opened strong and pushed prices higher. Main buyer interest was in the finer microns, resulting in price increases in the 19.5 micron and finer MPGs of between 16 and 41 cents. A limited number of broader wools lost ground.
The EMI fell by 2 cents on the second day, with only the Melbourne movements factored in. The EMI gained 9 cents for the series, closing the week at 1,179 Australian cents. As mentioned earlier, the crossbreds did not attract the same interest as the Merinos and recorded further losses. The MPGs for 26.0 to 30.0 micron dropped by 20 to 26 cents. Although the MPG for 32.0 micron fell by only 1 cent, that fall pushed it down to a record low of 270 cents.
Source: AWEX